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Empty crisp packet can help keep your house warm this winter, says expert

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With energy bills expected to jump by 10 per cent next month, households up and down the country are gearing up for challenging times ahead.

Many homeowners will have to make the tough choice of whether to save money or stay warm. However, there may just be a silver lining as a heating expert has explained his nifty tricks to keep you cosy while cutting costs. Boiler Cover UK's heating specialist Mark McShane has let slip that even an empty crisp packet can massively rev up your radiator's heat output, giving you a toastier home without the hefty bill.

The trick begins with cleaning a crisp packet and securing it with double-sided tape. Position the packet behind the radiator with the shiny side outwards. Mark explains: "By placing a reflective material, such as an empty crisp packet, behind your radiators, you can bounce the heat back into your room instead of letting it escape through the walls. It's an easy, cost-effective way to make the most of your heating."

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While we're all still saying goodbye to the last of the summer warmth, September's looking set to bring colder weather, and many areas have already plunged into cooler temperatures. These places, especially, might want to get cracking with these thrifty heating hacks without delay. Not stopping there, the expert also recommends keeping your oven door open after using it, reports Hull Live.

This allows the residual heat to spread through your kitchen, rather than being wasted inside the shut oven. He also recommended using bubble wrap on windows as an inexpensive insulator and suggested wearing extra layers indoors to stay warm without cranking up the heating. Mark advised UK residents to hold off on turning on their heating until at least the end of October.

He said: "Turning on your heating at the end of October is a good strategy, as it allows you to prepare for the colder weather ahead while also avoiding the risk of frozen pipes. Maintaining a minimum thermostat setting of 10C can protect your pipes from freezing, which can lead to costly repairs."

The heating specialist urged Brits to ensure their heating systems are in tip-top condition and mentioned that upgrading your thermostat could help prevent energy waste. He also highlighted the importance of draught-proofing your home to keep the warmth in during the chilly winter months.

By taking these steps in autumn, you could reduce your heating usage come winter, and Mark pointed out that lowering your thermostat by just 1C could cut your heating bill by up to 10 per cent.

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