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Mum left fuming at 'shocking' daughter's school dinner she 'wouldn't feed to dogs'

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A stunned mum, Nikki, was left in utter shock when her daughter, Hollie Bullen, a Year 6 pupil, showed her the scant lunch she was dished out at school

The school dinner has now gone viral on social media, showcasing a dismal tray with a burnt piece of pizza that's more charcoal than cheese, an almost transparent slice of watermelon, a lonely orange wedge, a couple of apple slivers, and a drink.

Furious over what her child was expected to stomach, 34-year-old Nikki said: "If your child goes St Paul's and [is] on school dinners I'd be putting them on packed lunches."

Nikki, who works at B&Q, elaborated her distress saying, "Hollie took this picture because I was sick of her saying they don't get enough for dinner, well I can see why! ! I wouldn't feed my dogs that!!".

Upon addressing her concerns with the council and examining the daily nutritional guidelines for children, Nikki found the meal provided was woefully inadequate, barely meeting 'a quarter of it'.

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"Yeah that's what they expect them to eat," she deplored. Nikki highlighted her worry for those kids who depend on the school for their main hot meal, singling out the incident as a stain on the reputation of the school and ridiculed the charred remnant labelled as pizza, reports Stoke on Trent Live.

Nikki, a mum of four, decided to shine a light on her daughters school meal portions by publicising a photo, which led to a focus on mobile phone use during school time by the school officials.

She commented, "Now I'd be asking your own schools to see their school dinners because my daughter has 10 pictures of 10 different meals and they are all like this. Only two things on a tray, absolutely shocking."

After her Facebook post went viral with nearly 500 comments in one day, other parents rallied behind her, agreeing that the kids were not receiving adequate food.

Shocked reactions from other parents included, "If my kid's school does this too, no wonder my kids always come home hungry," while another stated, "Makes you think doesn't it. This is shocking."

Further dismay was expressed with comments like, "Omg that's an absolute joke. No wonder they're starving when they come home." Another pointed out, "My nine-month-old eats more then that."

Wigan Council and Westleigh St Paul's Primary later addressed the situation through a spokesperson, saying, "We are aware of the concerns raised by a parent regarding food that have been subsequently shared on social media. Senior staff from the school have been in direct contact with the parent to discuss these concerns and provide reassurances about the service.

"Within Westleigh St Paul's we endeavour to provide a good eating environment and children are encouraged to use good manners. School meals are cooked on site and follow government guidelines. Children are able to choose each day from two hot options plus a sandwich option. This means they always get the lunch they choose and want.

"Children bringing packed lunches to school must bring them in a suitable container and these are stored in cupboards around school. Children are encouraged to only bring healthy snacks and healthy lunches to school.

"Following consultation it was decided to assist parents in providing healthy packed lunches by creating consistent guidelines within this policy that are shared by adults and children alike. These include no fizzy drinks, no energy drinks and to aim to include only one sweet treat e.g. fun size chocolate or biscuit etc."

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