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ID card: If you have an e-ticket but have forgotten your ID card, will the TT remove you from the train? Know this law of the railways

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Everyday crores of people travel by train in India. For which the Indian Railways operates thousands of trains daily. Often when someone has to travel a long distance. In such a situation, many people prefer to travel by train. Because there are many facilities available in the train. And along with this, the journey is also very convenient. Train tickets are also much cheaper than flights.

Most people travel by making reservations in railways. Many people book tickets online. In which they travel by taking a print out of the e-ticket. But many people forget to take the e-ticket with them. And at the same time they also forget to take the ID with them. So in such a situation, can the TTE remove you from the train? What are the rules of the railways regarding this.

Will the TTE remove you from the train?
If you have booked an online ticket with the help of an agent. And you have forgotten to take the e-ticket with you during the journey. And also you have not taken any ID to prove your identity. In such a situation, many people have a question in their mind that will the TTE make you get off the train. So let us tell you that this is not so. When you book a ticket, you register your number.

After this, when you book a ticket, the details of the reservation come on your number. In case of not having an e-ticket and ID, you can show the railway message received on your phone to the TTE. That will also get your work done. That is, if you have forgotten your e-ticket and ID, then the TTE will not make you get off the train.

You can also show online ID

In today's time, almost everything in India has become digital. In which the government has also issued DigiLocker to store documents. You can keep your documents safe in DigiLocker. That is, if you have not taken your ID card with you on the train journey. Then you can prove your identity by opening DigiLocker and showing the documents present in it.

You can download e-ticket again
If you have booked your ticket from your own IRCTC account. Then your work becomes easier. You can immediately open IRCTC's Rail Connect app and download it again. And show it to the TTE.

(PC: Freepik)

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