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Tech Tips: Even after being deleted from the phone, apps still have access, remove them like this..

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Many apps are used in smartphones, these apps help in doing many tasks easily and also save people's time. But these apps present in the phone also keep a close watch on you, yes, these apps follow your data.

There are many such apps on the phone, that people delete from the device, but they have permission to track your data. In such a situation, they keep an eye on the data. First of all, go to the settings of the smartphone and then search for Google Service, then tap on that option. After this, click on the section of Manage Your Google Account. After this click on Data and Privacy.


After doing this, you have to come down a little on the screen and then click on Third-Party Apps and Services. After this, the information of all the apps that have access to your Google account will be revealed. Click on the app from which you want to remove access and remove the permission.

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