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Reasons Why Some Teenagers Stay In Their Room All Day Long

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There are many parents out there who often wonder why their teenagers don't really step out of their rooms to interact with them. What is the point of staying locked up inside in their room for so many hours?', 'What do they really do inside all by themselves?', 'This is not right for their mental well-being if they choose to isolate themselves' -- these are some of the common refrains and questions a parent often has. However, sometimes to seek answers, one needs to perhaps change the direction in which one is thinking and put themselves into their teenager’s shoes to understand things from their perspective.Listed below are some reasons that can explain why your teenager likes spending a major chunk of their day in their room.

You always coerce them into doing household choresOne of the reasons why your teenager may not be interacting with you in house and staying inside their room for long hours is because they dread the moment they will walk out of their room, you will coerce them into some or the other household chores. To evade that, they often don't step out of their room for long hours. Also read: What Made These Three People Choose A Senior Living Facility You speak to them in a condescending mannerIt is also possible that some teenagers detest being spoken to in a condescending manner. A lot of parents have this habit of being sarcastic with their children and they tend to throw snide remarks at them. Comments like 'So, you're finally out of your room to show us your face', 'How did you find it in your heart to sit with your parents today' make a teeanger feel awkward and this explains why they feel more inclined to spend their day inside their rooms. You intrude their space and me-timeIt may sound strange to some parents, but without realising it they sometimes end up intruding on a child's space. Even children need some me-time where they can spend quality time all by themselves to feel at ease, gather their thoughts and enjoy their own company. When they feel that their parents don't understand this need of theirs and often inadvertently end up encroaching on their me-time and space, they prefer to lock their rooms for long hours to escape that. Also read: 8 Things Every Child Loves About Their Mother You're too inquisitive to know about their lifeIt's possible that your child doesn't like answering too many questions about their school life or personal life. However, if you're an inquisitive parent who wants to know everything and who always tries to pry out more information from your child, then this can pose a hindrance. Your child may not like that and this explains why they decide to stay locked inside their room for long hours.
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